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A member registered Dec 18, 2018

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(1 edit)

I really enjoyed the game and if the page didn't outright told me there were no other endings I'd still be looking for them.

*light spoiler*

Especially with the letter. 
The fact that you can go back and double check the letter to see if your list is missing something, and then it actually gives you extra hints and tips on what to do really gives off the feeling that it matters how much you pay attention and what you do.

So it's a bummer it doesn't actually pay off.

Well, Book One, containing chapter 1-7, just released on steam for about 8$/€, so there probably won't be any more free releases.

Yeah, I know, I just wanted to give a different perspective to make sure.

Also, I played YU Escape / Monday and started to work my way trough the lockdown games in order. So far I found the ice cream puzzle in YU the most difficult.

Heya, so I played this game and it was really nice.

I wanna say that I found the 2nd pizza's receipt last but I managed to have the right order before finding it cause the 2nd pizza is the only leftover food, which I thought was a nice touch.

Also I'd like to mention that unlike NobodyZero, I had no problem with ordering by date. I think there's plenty of hints and the note that you ordered sushi twice in a row makes it quite obvious. (not trying to thtow shade or anything, just saying I had no problem with it)

(1 edit)

Just wanted to let you know that there are some bugs that I've found.

If you go for a rout where you don't romance any main character the game just ends abruptly and cuts to the epilogue without any transition.

If you only romance side characters the epilogue appears inconsistent and buggy, still talking about characters, going back or moving to Belugio and talking about the wedding that never happened.

And buggy text like this appears: "Your marriage to [u'Iris',u'Kira'...] ..."

Idk if it's intentional, but in the park scene with Rachel and Susan, if you only romanced Susan and let the chance pass to confess, you still stay on the Susan love route.

Idk if it's intentiona too, but if you go to discreet, pass and then get a new appointment, but then don't go to the session, the options to go to follow up sessions still pop up, and if you never go to any follow up discreet event, the game still handles it the same way as if you went to them. (you get the call about the termination of the contract and the following events if you chose so)

If you don't peek on anybody and don't romance any main character, then the talk with James about liking Ana never happens and when you go to the sleepover to Ana the groupsex with James, Ana and Kira never happens, but James offers the option to fuck Ana together towards the end of the game, and in the epilogue it talks about their marriege. Also in this case there's 2 epilogues appearing for James one with Ana about the Marriege and moving to Belugio and one about him becoming an IT guy and moving.

In day 3 when you go and talk to everybody the options for the girls disappear after exhausting all options with them, but Susan stays there even tho she doesn't have any more talking options(just the leave).

On day 4 at dinner, the options doesn't disappear after selecting them.

Also Idk if intentional, but after James asks if he can romace Rachel even when I said yes I didn't encounter any follow up event for that.

Yeah, so that'd be it. I know you're already working on a new roject, but I hope you patch these. I really enjoyed the game and there are still some routs left for me to play so maybe I'll manage to break the game again. 

Until then.